To his dismay, the only subjects that came up were, to his mind, petty and inconsequential. Impatiently he finally stood up and delivered an impassioned Zionistic speech, ending with an idea that may seem self-evident today but which was a bombshell at the time: He suggested they build an all-Jewish city.
I mean—this is what you want, right? This is it: peak performance. The Jews managed everything which the wignats want; maybe the problem is that ‘whites’ don't have the same sort of traditional homeland. You could do well, perhaps, with an ideology that combines ‘out of Africa’ and ‘return to tradition.’
The trick here would be to ride the migration flow in reverse. Some folks are already doing this and retiring early to, e.g., Thailand, but these are individual escapists. Here, however, one would not merely escape but also build. You leave not to flee but seek to create a community: take ownership of space, establish a new organic nomos, etc.1
This is the best option: the Jews just beat you to it, and now they've got a pretty slick ship of their own. Of course, they had great power support which you will lack—still, aren't you supposed to be the master race? Surely you'll figure it out.
Of course, recall the lesson of Rhodesia—if you draw fire on the world stage: game over.